Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Debabelizing minds beyond language" - Day 1

This year I had the chance for the second time to be a part of the 2012 Translation and Interpretation Students Congress celebrated at INACAP Apoquindo on October 25th and 26th.

Gertrudis Payàs at
Debabelizing Minds Beyond Language
INACAP Apoquindo
After the welcoming speeches, the first exposition on day one started. It was someone we already knew from last year. Gertrudis Payàs and her investigation about the Linguistic of Translation. Payàs is a PhD in Translation Studies from Ottawa University. Today, she is a teacher and a researcher at Universidad Católica de Temuco. She was firm about that language caused differentiation and social exclusion, whether for better or worse. Payàs insisted that we must prevent languages from disappearing. We have to keep our identity, translate and keep our language alive, not a mix with the invasive English. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

N°9 The wearable towel infomercial

Alongside with Irene, we put on the words for this infomercial at class.

Seeing only the video with no audio made it somehow difficult, but we could manage to get it a little bit as the real one. 

Here was our result. Hope you like it! 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

N°8 Face of Melinda - Opeth

Face of Melinda - Opeth


He sees a lady with black hair and sad looks. He falls in love immediately with her. He tries but, he fails in his aim of capturing her heart. Instead, she chooses another love. That love is God, religion. He feels she cheated on him with God as represented in this line: "A harlot of God upon the earth". Either way, he makes plans to win her back. He asks her to choose him. She explains him her excuses. Her vows are already made. But, in the end, she slips that her heart is still his: "My promise is made but my heart is thine."