Thursday, August 23, 2012

N°2 The umbrella man - Character descriptions

Character descriptions

Taken by grad 
The mother in The umbrella man was a very distrustful and suspicious woman. She represents a very cold person but, in the end, she has a good heart once she feels confident and trusts again. She is middle aged. Tall. British. Determined.

The daughter is totally opposite to her mother. Mainly, she is very trusting. She is kind with strangers, maybe even naive. Also she seems curious once she feels a little suspicious about something, in this case, about the old man. She is tall as her mother. British. 

The old man represented a gentleman and well educated person. In fact, he was pretty intelligent representing that part, as he managed to hide his true personality, a thief and an alcoholic who robbed people in bars to get money in exchange to drink. He was short, old aged. 


  1. We say "middle aged" rather than "medium aged"

  2. Andrea, you could have written their description with more passion! But it's okay, I did it pretty short. Well done.
