Thursday, August 23, 2012

N°1 The umbrella man - continuation of the story

The umbrella man - continuation of the story:

Taken by scootiepye 
Poor old man, and my mother took absolute advantage of him. What was she thinking? It was just a pound. At least we are not getting wetter here in the rain thanks to this silk umbrella. “Mum, are we getting a taxi now?” My mother stood there, looking at me, not saying a word for a long period of time. She must have been thinking really hard. At last, she opened her lips, “maybe we should do something different today? Don’t you think so?”

My mother was acting strangely. Something different? She loved routine and hated the unexpected. ‘No surprises!’ she always says. Going to a cafe was something we always did after a medical appointment. It was like a treat for us. “Mustn't we get home, mum?”

“Yes, and we will.” She smiled. An awkward smile. “We can use a walk once in a while, can't we?” A walk? Really? My mum was officially out of her mind. She only walked from the house to the car and that was a lot to say.

“Are you alright mum?”
Taken by miriel  

“Yes! Of course I’m ok. I’m perfectly fine.” She looked fine, I guess. “Oh, come on. This should be fun!” she said in a joyfull tone.

We walked home. Yes, walked. It took us nearly forty minutes. I was tired halfway already. But my mum was, almost ecstatic. It scared me. She looked like a kid with candy. Her eyes were wide open, smiling to everyone that went by us.

That old man not only gave us an umbrella to protect us from the rain, but a new routine that we’ll not miss a day from now on.


  1. When I invented the end of this story, as everyone else did, I didn't know the real ending of it. I thought that the rest of the story was not surpraising at all, but it actually was. I trusted that old man! So, reading his real personality and actions made my story look pretty boring! The activity was quite fun though. This was my first attempt in creating a part of a story.

  2. It's a nice story. Indeed, is kinda boring, but the characters didn't work to create an awesome story. Though, I got to say that your writing kept me reading, because I wanted to know what happened to the mother, whose mood changed unforeseen. Again, great job, your writings are flawless and nice try, Andrea!

    1. Well, I got to say creativity it's not one of my strenghts. So, everything I come up with takes a LOT of time and thinking. I'm glad you take the time to read it, dear Enzo.

  3. When reading your story I thought that the mother had went crazy. I'm looking forward for reading more from you A.S.

    1. I thought of it but I didn't go through with it. It’d seem weak to me as I couldn’t make a good excuse for it.
