Sunday, September 09, 2012

N°6 A dog story

A dog story


Pretty similar to a Golden Retriever in color, height and weight. Short golden hair. Light brown eyes.
30 cm of height. Messy long gray curly hair. Around 6kg of weight. Dark eyes.
1 year.
6 years.
Shy. Quiet. Lazy. Follower. Always wagging his tail. Tender eyes. Playful with other dogs.
Dominant. Aggressive. Always doing surveillance in the neighborhood. Treacherous. Territorial. Doesn’t play.

      I.          Bruno arrives into the neighborhood.
A.      Welcoming
B.       Habits
C.      People took care of him
II.         Soon after, Shorty comes along.
A.      Shorty becomes the dominant leader
B.      Bruno as a follower
C.       Bruno changes in personality
III.     The dangerous Shorty and Bruno
A.     Fights
B.    Killing
C.      Indoor dogs
IV.      Shorty disappears
A.      Bruno becomes the leader
B.      Shorty’s legacy


Taken by bccbarbosa 
Bruno was an adorable and sweet dog until Shorty came along. When Bruno arrived in the neighborhood, he was already big enough to scare dogs and people off. But he didn’t. He used to go playing around the streets with the other dogs, fighting for a piece of bone, following people and wagging his tail to get some bread. People loved him, fed him. All the dogs were peaceful, lazy. 

One day, someone new arrived. Shorty. Shorty was dominant, aggressive and soon all the dogs, became his followers, including Bruno. All of them were too scared to confront him. Bruno was a loyal follower. Where Shorty went, Bruno was right there behind him. Imitating him, intimidating other dogs. Keeping strange dogs and people away from their streets. But that was not all they did.

Taken by explorette 
Shorty and Bruno were respected by the other neighborhood dogs. They knew they couldn’t ever be in their way. Not without consequences at least. Many of them had the evidence of it marked in their bodies. Horrendous fights that ended in badly injured dogs and that was the pretty part of it. They were assassins. Shorty got very irritated when a strange dog entered their streets. He ran after them, Bruno hot in his heels, catch them and grabbed for their throats. And that was it. Shorty had a fixation for indoor dogs. He hated them. And if Shorty did, Bruno also did. They were hostile, furious, and vigilant. When they saw one dog just stepping out of their homes, it was their end too. People noticed and revenge was on their way. 

People got obviously upset about the cruelty on how their dogs got killed not by humans, but by dogs, and especially by Bruno. He used to be such a sweet dog. They had to do something. As Bruno woke up one day, Shorty was not around anymore. Bruno looked tirelessly for him. There was no sign of him at all. Shorty had just disappeared. Bruno didn’t have someone to follow and imitate now. Now he was the natural leader. So he had to follow Shorty steps. He had to protect his neighborhood. And he did, but in his own way. No more fury, just protection. Peace was welcomed back in the streets again.

Taken by mephisto19


  1. Hi, your story is quite excellent, it has no grammar mistakes nor anything weak, according to me... But I got to say that the ending is very unexpected and abrupt, and I'm not saying is bad, though I could have never anticipate that.
    Small doubts appeared while reading your story. I would love to know, what happened with Shorty? How people revenged? Maybe they sent him to the country? (take it literal :P)
    I'd love to know how, Andrea. Please, continue writing.

    1. Probably what happened to Shorty is up to the readers imagination. You never know, he may comeback in the future. "Die hard Shorty", that could be interesting!

  2. It's that a true story? I liked the ending, that so-called Shorty was in fact a bad apple!
